[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

David Lloyd dlloyd at microbits.com.au
Wed Dec 4 06:32:48 UTC 2002

Hi There,

We happen to be working on a project that is using the Debian PGI
installer. We are:

 * customising the installer and branding it to our name (Microbits)
 * creating a graphical and GUI interface with it that is totally
   compatible with the default, aweful Debian installer
 * making it easy to use

Once we have worked out the nuances in the installer--it involves quite
a number of steps and can be quite finnicky plus python (icck) isn't my
most favourite language--I'll get the latest CAISA install from Romana
and write one against it.

Whether Computerbank chooses to use it is up to Computerbank; I could go
on about the rather *amusing* installer currently used in South
Australia until the cows come home. However, I don't particularly want
cows in my backyard and besides which what would I do with a bunch of
female bovines?


Microbits Linux Technician

Ph: +61 8 8362 9220

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