mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
Advocacy | [no description available] |
allies | Australian Linux Lobby In Edu Sector |
announce | Linux Australia announcements |
aslug | Alice Springs Linux Users Group |
Barcampgeelong | [no description available] |
cai-qld | Computerbank - Queensland |
Captioning | [no description available] |
cbsupport | Computerbank support list |
chlug | Coffs Harbour Linux Users Group |
committee | Linux Australia Council |
computerbank | The Computerbank Project -- see |
Conference-support | Conference Support team |
Confweb-dev | [no description available] |
CQLUG | Central Queensland Linux User Group |
debian-au | Debian Australia |
diversity | The diversity list is for the LA Diversity Policy team |
eo-announce | Everything Open Announcements |
Flounder | FLOSS Down Under |
fta | Linux Australia vs Free Trade Agreement |
Grants | Grants Program |
Haecksen | Haecksen miniconf organisers list |
jobs | Linux Australia Job list |
lca-announce | Announcements |
lca-cfp | Linux.Conf.Au CFP |
lca-ghosts | Ghosts |
lca-helpers | Linux.Conf.Au Helpers |
Lca-howto | [no description available] |
lca-organisers | Linux.Conf.Au Organisers |
Lca-papers | The Papers Committee |
lca-speakers | Speakers |
Lca2022-volunteers | [no description available] |
Lcageelong2014 | List for people interested in LCA2014 Geelong bid |
lias | Linux in Australian Schools |
linux-aus | Linux Australia |
linuxCprogramming | Linux C Programming |
lpi-proctors | Linux Australia LPI Proctors List |
LUGcomms | Australian Linux Users Group communications list. |
Media | [no description available] |
mirroring | Mirror sub-committee mailing list |
Monitoring | Discussions on the development of an enterprise-level, scalable monitoring solution |
Oseg | Open Source Experts Group |
Osf | This list is for maintaining a list of people intersted in receiving updates about our Open Source Forums |
Papers-chair | [no description available] |
PHPwestoz | PHP users in Western Australia (or nearby) |
Policies | Discussions of Linux Australia policies |
Projects | Linux Australia Projects |
pycon-au-announce | PyCon AU Announcements |
PyCon-AU-Chat | PyCon Australia Delegates Chat List |
Pyconau-ctte | [no description available] |
Session-chairs | [no description available] |
Sfd | A discussion and collaboration list for Software Freedom Day activities in Australia. Join if you are interested in doing something! Dates are usually up on |
soap | A list for the soap development group |
Stc-aus-committee | [no description available] |
Stc-aus-members | [no description available] |
TasLUG | [no description available] |
technest | Adelaide Tech Meetups |
tlug | Townsville Linux Users Group |
tuxCPProgramming | The Linux C++ Programming List |
Video | [no description available] |
wit | Open Source Forums list |
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