[technest] Adelaide Tech Meet, was LinuxSA Meeting. errr ...

Joel Stanley joel at jms.id.au
Tue Apr 21 16:00:20 AEST 2015

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Kim Hawtin <kim at hawtin.net.au> wrote:
> Now that David has taken up the baton of talks wrangling n stuff for
> LinuxSA, Adelaide Tech Meet will be taking a back seat for a while.

Woot! Thanks David for reviving LinuxSA.

I'm travelling for work this month, but I will see everyone next
month. Perhaps I could give a talk on my work on OpenPower and the
open source Power8 firmware?

And thanks to you Kim on behalf of everyone who attended the Techmeet
events. It was great to get out and meet people, be exposed to new
ideas and hear about what others are up to. I really appreciate the
effort you put in.



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