[technest] Adelaide Tech Meet, 24th May

Kim Hawtin kim at hawtin.net.au
Mon May 21 13:20:15 EST 2012

So thats the 24th May, arrive from 5:30pm, talks start at 6:00pm.
Level 1, 115 Grenfell Street, Adelaide. Opposite Haighs on Adelaide 
Arcade. Signs will be up in the foyer.

This meetings talks;
- David; Ancient Retro-Computing
- Simon; Drupal classifieds
- Kim; Using Perlbrew
- Your tech talk here!

Looking for additional speakers, lightening style talks 1-15 minutes =)
In depth talks too. If you have something cool you are working on, we'd 
love to see it.

After the tech talks we find somewhere within walking distance for dinner.

Updates or more details at; http://groups.drupal.org/taxonomy/term/7111



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