[technest] Next Meeting - Thursday 24th May, 5:30pm

Kim Hawtin kim at hawtin.net.au
Wed May 9 14:33:38 EST 2012

Evening all,

So we are in planning for the next Adelaide Tech Meet.

  The next meeting is planned for the evening of Thursday 24th May.
  Doors open 5:30pm, talks start 6:00pm

   Level 1, 115 Grenfell Street, Adelaide
   Opposite Haighs on Adelaide Arcade.
   I will have signs up need the entry doors in the foyer.

   David - Old School Analog Computing, The abacus
   Your talk here
   Your talk here
   Your talk here

Ok, so we could do with a few more talks. Please discuss on list if you 
have a short (10-20 minutes) talk you would like to present on you 
favourite bit of software or hardware. What ever you are hacking on at 
home or work =) Or you can email me direct.

   So we go find local food and or drink as appropriate, with discussion.



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