[LCP]reg serial communication in linux.

Greg Black gjb at gbch.net
Tue Oct 14 20:40:01 UTC 2003

On 2003-10-14, James Attard wrote:

> You haven't answered my question. Seems like you haven't done this before.

You didn't ask a real question; it's not my problem if you don't
like the answer.  You can't possibly infer what I know from this
kind of exchange.  I've done this so often that my eyes glaze
over at the thought of it.

> I'm only asking those who have
> experience in the field who can tell me "Well most of the printers which
> communicate with serial devices use raw data" or "Look, normally they
> accept already processed (canonical) data" together with a valid reason.

The printer manuals have this information; the reasons for their
choices are valid for them, so that's all you need to know.

In  my experience, most printers accept either; you tell them
what you're doing, either by hardware switches or in software,
and they are happy.  But that's not really going to help you.

Asking about "most printers" simply makes no sense.  Most days
here are sunny, but that doesn't mean I'll never need heating.
What matters is the behaviour of the specific printer that you
need to deal with.  Read its documentation, then write your

And if all you can do is be abusive when you get an answer you
don't like, then you need to grow up a bit.  Nobody owes you
anything, and nobody has to give you answers that you'll like,
especially when you don't ask good questions.


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