[Linux-aus] synaptic project management
Janet Reid
lucychili at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 16:31:56 EST 2013
ok here is the whole enchilada. it is just an idea i am working through
how would computers and networks be optimised for this kind of system.
systems for project management etc
Cyclical economics
I am responsible for myself, for my impact on others, I do useful things.
We need to reduce CO2 and rebalance the climate.
Triple bottom line accounting method we can see where we are winning and
losing systemically. Environmental, social and money profit and loss.
Cyclical project management which is synaptic and nodal. A project connects
to other projects through the materials it sources and produces. Perhaps
this needs to be an open universal system.
Where we can follow the synapses and nodes and see where the system needs
vitamins trace elements, cancer removed. Perhaps it should be possible to
download and adapt to see if we can improve the way we are defining things.
If it is static it could be a single point of failure. Perhaps people will
develop a range of synaptic models and we can run a project through it to
see what it produces.
Energy can come from many sources.
Wind, solar, top of the waves in the ocean, deep tidal in the ocean, geo
energy, biomass, algae.All of these are about using energy which is already
there naturally or as 'waste'.
We live in a single enclosed environment. If something is called 'waste' it
is not being thought about in a way that recycles the things we make.
Design systems for cyclical use of resources. If not in the one production
system the 'waste' should be used by other industries.
Thorium nuclear can use nuclear waste and produce some useful slow release
battery materials.Thorium does not produce materials for war. If thorium
power can help reduce nuclear waste we should be able to find ways to
usefully 'remove' waste problems.
We need research to help with making wind and solar cheap and to make the
materials we use cyclical. They need to be as durable as possible and
reusable they may be different in different situations and climates. Wind
energy for a low power gentle weather area needs to be engineered
differently from wind for extremely windy areas at the poles.
Look for ways to make these areas economically happy using cyclical systems
and fair wages, education for all, hackerspaces. Negotiated responsibility
for common assets like river systems.
Repair forests and jungles. Any carbon generating industries and
communities need to pay their debts into breathing ecologies. If they can't
do that domestically they should partner with a nation or region which can
grow their respiring assets.
Learn from each other about ways to improve different soil type in
different areas.
Collect and filter urban storm water.
Research ways to use human waste constructively. Can it help improve soil
systems?Find ways to store power in distributed ways. In people's electric
cars. In pumping water to header pumps. Batteries will be a short term
bottleneck. Think about ways to store energy which get beyond batteries.
Can you store energy as heat?
We still need to move stuff around but our economics should be able to tell
that moving fruit from one side of the earth to the other to undercut local
agriculture is a bad piece of business. Why is that viable currently? We
need to look at shipping and flight and freight and see how to use
different fuels, perhaps make things lighter or use different energies.
Skill share, invest in experiments.
Look for ways to share skills. eg. Export ideas on how to improve and
repair soils and make cyclical agricultural patterns in ways that make
sense for the ecology of the area you are visiting. Is it useful to look
for low eco cost and low social cost patterns or is it more effective to
use social cost and eco cost so long as the outcomes are cyclical and
positive? This is an era when we need maximum capacity innovation. Models
which trap innovation behind ownership are counterproductive. Get ideas out
and learn from experimentation. Profit from investment in different
strategies, a stock exchange of experiments, but don't build business on
blocking innovation. No ability to make profit on failure of ideas and
experiments. That encourages counter productive investment.
Beyond plastic
We can recycle plastic, we can use other materials. Avoid plastics near
food that mess with estrogen and cause breast cancer.
Privacy, transparency, accountability
People's privacy has already been considered not important compared to the
national interest.
There needs to be that kind of approach on governance, and investment. I do
not know if personal privacy is possible or whether problems will gravitate
to where privacy is. I can see that privacy for big systems reduces
accountability and increases problems. If people need to be 'open data
systems' then the systems which use the data need to be open as well. I do
not know if it is safer for people to be off grid. Perhaps in a world where
profit from conflict is not effective being open will be ok.
Open standards for technology enable peer review and improvement.
Science generally has open peer review as a method of determining
correctness. GMO should go through rigorous peer review from all other
systemic science before being released on communities and ecologies. As I
understand it currently the splicing of genes is imprecise and can create
cancerous substances. In needs to be stopped until it is proven safe.
Diverse cultures are useful and important. Diverse languages may capture
different viewpoints. These are a kind of wealth. Think of them as diverse
experiments in thinking and making living systems and patterns. If we are
all running the same experiment it is inefficient and brittle. It is a
single point of failure. I think that is how we are currently in trouble.
All experiments should honour human rights, humane treatment of other life.
Faith is not the enemy of science. They both need to be able to move
forward together.
System support
If I wanted to develop an open system for synaptic cyclical project
management which traced inputs and outputs, in at least 3 concurrent
economic streams (eco,social,money) across the whole system
what would be good and what would be bad?
Perhaps a system which has the current state of materials and people and
you run the project through the system and see if there are any chemical,
social, money weakpoints? then people look at the path it has taken and
peer review their thoughts about the inputs etc and vote on the project ?
I am thinking like blood system, lymph system, nervous system and eating
food or playing sport. What if we look at economics like that. A project is
an anatomy, the anatomy fits in a system?
Military to ploughshares.
Data systems for cyclical economics
Military folks including returned soldiers helping with permaculture and
reengineering for different cars, different trucks, different manucacture
and invention. How to improve technolocies for wind wave solar how to reuse
materials. Drones could deliver medicine etc to remote communities if they
were trusted. What would shipping and flight look like.
On 12 September 2013 15:57, Daniel Jitnah <djitnah at greenwareit.com.au>wrote:
> Hi Janet,
> Whats GOOD?
> first impression is that it is a project where you are thinking outside
> the square. Potentially it could revolutionise
> the world!
> Whats bad?
> Not sure what you are expecting people to respond in relation to here?
> Linux Software, technology, system design,
> concepts, philosophy? Or else? Or are you just throwing it out there and
> hoping it will resonate with someone else's
> idea and interest, or curiosity (for me at last)?
> Can you please expand on "synaptic cyclical project management" or point
> to info? Even Google does not seem to know
> about!.
> Cheers
> Daniel.
> On Thu, September 12, 2013 15:24, Janet Reid wrote:
> > Hi folks
> >
> > If I wanted to develop an online open system for synaptic cyclical
> project
> > management which traced inputs and outputs, in at least 3 concurrent
> > economic streams (eco,social,money) across the whole system
> > what would be good and what would be bad?
> >
> > Perhaps a system which has the current state of materials and people and
> > money
> > you run the project through the system and see if there are any chemical,
> > social, money weakpoints? then people look at the path it has taken and
> > peer review their thoughts about the inputs etc and vote on the project ?
> >
> > Janet
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