[Linux-aus] Candidate Statement: Christopher Neugebauer

Chris Neugebauer chrisjrn at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 15:00:58 EST 2013

On 20 November 2013 14:38, Noel Butler <noel.butler at ausics.net> wrote:
>>> I personally don't have a strong view on how LA can better engage with
>>> the general public on issues the membership sees as important. This is
> This concerns me, if one wishes to be on council, especially if one
> suggests he would like a very senior role, one would expect we would
> here a lot more bout how LA should promote Linux and OSS, and not 98% of
> pycon rubbish, there is more to the world than just that. I know it
> sounds harsh, but hey, Chris is the one wanting a position on council,
> he needs to make his case to cover all aspects not just his primary
> interests.

Thank you for selectively quoting my e-mail.

If you continued to read it, you'll note that I'm very keen to ensure
that LA remains a strong advocacy organisation. I've re-quoted the
paragraph that you chopped later on in this message [1].

My interest is to make sure that our membership can help make Linux
Australia do what they want Linux Australia to do. If you're
interested in improving Linux Australia's advocacy efforts, I, on the
council want to help you to be able to do that. Noel, I'll even
endorse you to be on an advocacy subcommittee if one wants to start

If you want a council member who goes out and does all the council's
advocacy efforts on their own, then don't vote for me.

Finally, Noel, if you believe that PyCon is rubbish and not something
that Linux Australia should be involved in, I strongly encourage you
to run for council yourself. I've taken the liberty of nominating you.


>> On a related note, I would be keen for council to facilitate, and
>> provide any resources necessary to a public advocacy subcommittee. I'm
>> not sure what form such a subcommittee would take, but I'd be happy to
>> talk to any interested members to figure out the role. The LA council
>> works best when it enables the community to do things, and this would
>> be a prime example of just that.

--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
AIM: chrisjrn157 -- MSN: chris at neugebauer.id.au -- WWW:
http://chris.neugebauer.id.au -- Twitter/Identi.ca: @chrisjrn

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