[Linux-aus] [LACTTE] Victim Impact Statement

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Mon Nov 4 10:07:34 EST 2013



Luke, well said. 

I am often ashamed and disgusted to be a part of a community that
seemingly includes a fair number of narrow minded tunnel visioned
assholes that have nothing better to do then attack others, twist words
to suite their argument, jump on some bandwagon because the list thread
seems to have gained popularity in one direction, or are just bored so
feel like spewing diatribe out of their trap. 

On more than one occasion I too have considered withdrawing my
membership from this "in-crowd" club 

To David, 

I wish you all the best, there are probably many more out there that
understand your OP as I did to not be trolling, but a fair and
reasonable debatable topic, but due to fear of being attacked by the
"usual mob" as demonstrated in this thread, they did not speak up for
also being labelled a troll, and attacked, I'm rather surprised I was
not called one for agreeing with you in parts, or perhaps I was and
missed it in the noise, who knows, but the bigger thing is, who cares,
it only matters to me what people I know think, not irrelevant tossers
on a mailing list. 



On 04/11/2013 00:03, Luke Martinez wrote: 

> If we need any proof that Technology isn't some Men Only club like the feminists absolutely_ love_ to remind us of, we need only reference the complete ostracising and personal attacks we witnessed in the replies to Davids post. 
> Davids' basic argument was that women are capable, and they shouldn't need special treatment, but everyone saw that as an opportunity to shame him and attack him, comparing him to a person with an Mental Illness, Guess what? There are people in Technology with Aspergers and Autism, so not only did you insult him, you dehumanized those people too. 
> Congratulations Russell. You dehumanized someone for the sake of a few brownie points with the Politically Correct Group.
> Rather than people assessing his argument and responding to it, we had people such as Jessica Smith modify the argument from [Women who want to do IT are perfectly competent to without special assistance] to [gifting favours to incompetent women] in order to make it easier to shoot down, congrats to you too. (How does it feel to win a debate against yourself?)
> Later on in the thread I chimed in and said something similar to; "How about we accept that because less women have an interest in IT that's maybe why there are less women in IT, and that we don't need to go on an Woman Finding Crusade, because maybe, just maybe, it's okay." And again my argument was implicity reframed by Chris N, who took my argument to mean that I believe that women have no interest in IT, which is completely false both as an argument and by data. (How does it feel to win a debate against yourself?)
> The sad thing is that I've only ever seen people turn to disgusting personal attacks and modification of arguments the opposition is posing when they have nothing of value to say & no valid points against the oppositions argument.
> Labelling people "Neckbeards" because you don't agree with them, as seen a couple of times, when, funnily enough, many people here actually do have neckbeards. Why can't you comprehend that there is NO correlation between disagreeing with you and having a Neckbeard. 
> Further down the thread there was a complaint about how " if you're going to suggest such things you actually cite some evidence.", when neither party was citing evidence, and the closest thing to evidence that was being cited was the _clearly_ biased finallyfeminism and geek feminism wikia. (Yea... of course websites that are pro-your-opinion are going to say things that are pro-your-opinion... That's a given.)
> Chew, Swallow, Digest.
> David,
> Although I don't agree with your original framing of your email, it could have been more tactfully put and less like you're ducking for cover. (Contradictions within the text etc) You raised a really valid point, why aren't people just people, why are some people worth more to the Linux community? or even the Tech Community. 
> What does a Woman bring that a Man cannot? 
> What does a Man bring that a Woman cannot? 
> The answer to both questions is simple, Nothing. 
> If women don't want to do IT at the rate that men do, then that might just be okay. 
> I propose a longer version of your line; CHEW SWALLOW DIGEST PROTEST BLAME OSTRACISE; Because that's exactly what happened here.
> Take care mate. 
> Stay safe, remember there's lifeline and other services that you can call if you need help.
> And to all the feminists that i've clearly pissed off with all my privilege gushing around the place; If only Male Privilege actually existed, maybe Russell and I along with every other male wouldn't have a 6x greater chance of dieing because of Suicide than females. (Source: Beyond Blue)
> -- Luke. 
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