[Linux-aus] question without notice

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Fri Nov 9 18:18:00 EST 2012

On 09/11/12 17:23, Mike Carden wrote:
> Brenda,
> What does "Professional Certification" mean to you in this context? Are
> you referring to University degrees? Industry certs like CCNA, MCSE or
> LPI? Membership of professional associations like IEEE or ACS?

I am seeking a discussion on what it means to you rather than to me Mike.

I realise from the discussion so far that I may need to clarify what I 
am wanting.

It's really about how the FOSS practitioner can establish their bona 
fides to the marketplace.

I was just looking at the Red Hat Certified Engineer blurb at 
http://au.redhat.com/training/certifications/rhce/ and in particular the 
benefits to holding the RHCE which they say are:

Benefits to earning a Red Hat certification:

     Recognition in the industry
     Increased customer confidence
     Proof of knowledge and skills
     Certification verification tool for employers
     Use of the certification logo on business cards
     Ability to access multiple Red Hat Certificated Professional online 
communities (like Facebook and LinkedIn)
  ... and other things which are not relevant to this discussion.

And that's for those who choose a Red Hat path, so I am simply saying 
what in general, non brand specific, would a professional practitioner 
need in order to establish their bona fides to any company they wanted 
to work for, for any client whose business they are touting for or for 
potential colleagues they might want to impress or work with.

I note that wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional 
talks about:

The main criteria for professionals include the following:

     Expert and specialized knowledge in field which one is practicing 
     Excellent manual/practical and literary skills in relation to 
     High quality work in (examples): creations, products, services, 
presentations, consultancy, primary/other research, administrative, 
marketing, photography or other work endeavours.
     A high standard of professional ethics, behaviour and work 
activities while carrying out one's profession (as an employee, 
self-employed person, career, enterprise, business, company, or 
partnership/associate/colleague, etc.). The professional owes a higher 
duty to a client, often a privilege of confidentiality, as well as a 
duty not to abandon the client just because he or she may not be able to 
pay or remunerate the professional. Often the professional is required 
to put the interest of the client ahead of his own interests.
     Reasonable work morale and motivation. Having interest and desire 
to do a job well as holding positive attitude towards the profession are 
important elements in attaining a high level of professionalism.
     Appropriate treatment of relationships with colleagues. 
Consideration should be shown to elderly, junior or inexperienced 
colleagues, as well as those with special needs. An example must be set 
to perpetuate the attitude of one's business without doing it harm.
     A professional is an expert who is a master in a specific field.

How close is that definition to being the criteria that we could use to 
judge a FOSS practitioner?  What's missing? What's irrelevant? How would 
sole traders demonstrate some of the ones lower down on the list, if 
that was thought necessary?

Does this help clarify?


Brenda Aynsley, FACS CP, ACS Honorary Life Member
Chair IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) 2011-13
Honorary Secretary SA Branch ACS
Chairman SA Committee The Pearcey Foundation Inc
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0)412 662 988 || Skype/Yahoo/Twitter: baynsley
Phone:+61(0)8 7127 0107 Fax:+61(0)8 8272 7486
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