[Linux-aus] Application for subcommittee

Denise Teal dee at thewebprincess.com
Wed Apr 11 22:33:36 EST 2012

Hi there, Josh, I presume?

I'd like to formally request subcommittee approval from Linux Australia for the purposes of pulling together WordCamp Sydney an open source WordPress conference booked for July 21-22 2012 and to be held at the University of Sydney Camperdown Campus.

We're planning on hosting 250 delegates at the event and have an excellent team of people on the organising committee. It's going well and we're getting some good interest from the wider community, it's pretty exciting.

Most of the possible information that you'll require is available at our website on http://2012.sydney.wordcamp.org, and our event is being organised with full support and endorsement from WordCamp central. WC central would be comfortable running the finances through their office, but we'd prefer to keep the money in Australia and frankly, it's less hassle using AU accounts, not to mention less expensive.  As such we would appreciate being able to use your services/bank account etc. to manage that side of things.

Given that time is short, information as to our approval (or not) would be appreciated at your earliest convenience; we'd love to open ticket sales in very short order and until we have a bank account number we're unable to do that.  Do you think we'd need to wait until the 21st to be able to set up our ticket sales with Event Arc with your number before we've got approval? We would be drawing anything down from Event Arc initially, but we can't finalise the event with them without the numbers in question.

I appreciate your help to date, looking forward to working with you on this event, what you guys are doing is fantastic.  Man, I love the open source community!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further clarification.


Dee Teal
The Web Princess
Web Development and Interactive Services
Mobile: 0401 062 813
Address: P O Box 581, Balgowlah, NSW, 2093, Australia
Web: http://thewebprincess.com


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