[Linux-aus] Proposal: yearly reminder/expiration of free membership

Russell Stuart russell-linuxaus at stuart.id.au
Wed Apr 27 19:15:50 EST 2011

On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 08:40 +0200, James Turnbull wrote: 
> Would you remove members whose email bounces/etc?

If you remove people whose email's bounce, option 2 starts looking like
option 3.  Some email's will bounce.  By definition the member will not
know this has happened, and so they will get removed on an anniversary
without notice.  Murphies law dictates this will happen to someone who
wanted to vote at an [SA]GM, or worse did vote, and a shit flight will

So I prefer option 3.  It makes it obvious you are responsible for
renewing your membership every year - whether you receive a renewal
notice of not.  If you don't renew its your problem, not LA's or the
council's.  Just make sure it is worded that way in the constitution.
Most of us do renew as part of going to LCA, so it isn't a big deal.

Option 1 (keeping the status quo) is for me a PITA.  I use several email
addresses.  Over the years several of them have managed to become
registered as a members of LA.  Given that has happened I doubt LA's
current "membership list" is worthy of that name.  "Bit bucket for
rotting email addresses" would probably be more appropriate.

So to whoever is pushing this proposal forward: my sincere thanks.

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