[Linux-aus] DRAFT Financials for 2007/07-2008/06

Anthony Towns aj at azure.humbug.org.au
Thu Jan 8 01:11:12 EST 2009

Hi all,

Attached are draft financials, continuing on from the financials presented
at the 2008 AGM [0].

This time there's two PDFs. 

The first is the Australian financial year summaries for LA, for
01/07/2007 to 30/06/2008. It includes:

   - a quarterly balance sheet, saying what money and liabilities we
     actually have

   - a monthly cash flow summary, indicating where the money's coming
     from and going

   - some pretty graphs comparing overall income/expenses with the previous
     financial year

   - a profit and loss statement for LA's special projects (usually stands
     at conferences such as CeBIT)

   - a profit and loss statement for the mirror project (mirror.linux.org.au)

   - a profit and loss statement for the grant scheme

   - a profit and loss statement for LA's involvement with LPI

   - a profit and loss statement for LA's administrative overhead

I have a similar PDF prepared for the period from 01/07/2008 to 31/12/2008
(ie bringing it current) which I'm forwarding to the council for review,
and hope to present at the AGM.

The second attached PDF includes an overall summary of each of LCA 2007,
2008 and 2009, including all expenses from 01/07/2006 to 31/12/2008,
which gives a good idea of the financial position of LCA. It should be
taken as indicative rather than absolutely authoritative, because:

    - some LCA 2007 expenses happened prior to that period (ghosts
      and postcard printing, I believe)

    - some LCA 2008 expenses haven't happened

    - many LCA 2009 expenses haven't happened, ditto income

    - many expenses are not coded perfectly; eg some expenses are under
      sundries, that should be under another code, some expenses that
      contributed to the dinner, speakers, and networking sessions are
      entirely assigned to only one code, etc.


[0] ...which I thought were on the wiki, but I now can't find. There was a
    post to this list, though, which I don't think got many changes:


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