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Re: [Linux-aus] Interview with Mark Lloyd from ACS on compulsory accreditation

Well said Michael,

I was struggling to find the words to say exactly this. I'l stop trying now!

Their goals are very hard to reconcile with trying to build an inclusive open source community.


On 29/09/2006, at 9:51 AM, Michael Davies wrote:

On 9/29/06, Bret Busby <bret@busby.net> wrote:

Can you provide a URL for a web page that explains the plans of the ACS,
to have "a mandatory registration system"?

It sounds a bit like Pandora and her wooden receptable, wich was not
securely closed.

This has been an ACS goal for some time - con the government into making them the mandatory cusdodians of IT in Australia, thereby guarranteeing them: a) relevance to the average IT worker, b) increased membership numbers, and thereby a gravy chain of money, c) bottoms to sit on their "Powerpoint for Dummies"-style expensive training courses, which of course would be mandatory if you want to stay accredited.

In my mind, this is just a big a risk to the readers of this list as
the AUSFTA - you'll need to start paying AUD600 + costs of mandatory
training courses per year for no real benefit to the average IT

I think bringing professionalism to our industry is a good thing, but
not by granting an irrelevant organisation a monopoly on accreditation
of said industry.

Michael Davies               "Do what you think is interesting, do
mailto:michael@msdavies.net   something that you think is fun and
http://michaeldavies.org      worthwhile, because otherwise you won't
                             do it well anyway." -- Brian Kernighan

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