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[Linux-aus] Get on the GetUp Climate Change map

Everyone's talking about global warming and the climate crisis - and now
there's a new way to show our elected representatives we're serious. 

A new national campaign aims to redraw the map of Australia,
so that every person concerned about climate change can stand up and be
counted, wherever you live. Together, we're starting a new movement to
drive the message home to politicians at all levels of government that
we expect responsible leadership and bold action to solve this crisis. 

This issue is bigger than party politics, bigger than special interests,
more important than short-term economic gain - and each of us can play a
part in the solution by taking a stand for our future. 

They're aiming for a record-breaking target of 250,000 people to help
create a groundswell for change in every electorate across the country. 

Just click on the link below to add your name 
to the Climate Action Map now. 


And spread the word...

donna benjamin                      linux.conf.au
conference director                 MEL8OURNE2008
www.mel8ourne.org                   must.be.there
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