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Re: [Linux-aus] Goodbye AUUG, hello phoenix

<quote who="Silvia Pfeiffer">

> Actually, I personally don't have a problem with changing the name - I
> personally would be addressed better in what I do. But don't you think
> it would put off the cool kernel hackers that we currently get at LCA?

Nup. They too come to linux.conf.au because it's vastly more eclectic and
fun than any other conference out there.

  "I think LCA is one of the most vital and interesting conferences
  [remaining] on the planet." -- Jon Corbet, Editor of LWN

- Jeff

Ohio LinuxFest 2006: Columbus OH, USA              http://www.ohiolinux.org/
      "We've got a great drummer and a great singer. Those are the key
    positions. When you find a singer and a drummer this good, you don't
                  leave them." - Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam