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Re: [Linux-aus] Goodbye AUUG, hello phoenix

<quote who="Michael Still">

> Agreed. You haven't addressed whether those people should have events of 
> their own though, instead of being shoe horned into LCA.

In some cases, they're already *at* linux.conf.au (GNOME, PostgreSQL, some
coverage of Free Culture issues, etc), but then we've also "segmented the
market" (eek) with OSDC for web/script stuff and LWE/CeBIT for business. I
don't think linux.conf.au can be everything to everyone it already serves
either, so I forsee further hatchlings spawning from the main conference.

(Also, we're taking miniconfs more seriously for 2007, and supporting a
small multimedia developer meeting ahead of the main conference. Spawning
hatchlings is already well underway!)

- Jeff

Ohio LinuxFest 2006: Columbus OH, USA              http://www.ohiolinux.org/
                "What inspired you to become a bus driver?"
                             "Linus Torvalds."