[Lias] Linux on the desktop - NO?

Ken Yap ken at etherboot.org
Tue Sep 2 07:51:01 UTC 2003

>The BAD:
>Seems impossible to create and maintain a standard desktop for users a la Win
>I get many web browser crashes (java related I think - especially with Galeon
>) that
>lock the session and persist beyond a logoff and login. The only solution I h
>found is to delete and re-create the user directory, which is not very satisf

I found that the number of lock ups caused by the web browser went down
significantly when I set the cache sizes in the browser to 0 and used
squid instead as a big shared cache. I'm using firebird.

>Difficult, if not impossible, to 'map' drives so that users can get data from
> a
>range of sources.

Maybe ask on the LTSP list how other sites deal with the problems you're

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