[Lias] School Intranet Server - Functionality & Requirements

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Mon Mar 31 01:16:01 UTC 2003

>> However, I believe the Webmin mail interface is a
>>little too complex for primary school kids, and am looking for suggestions
>>for a simple web mail interface.

squirrelmail comes to mind, but I've never really used it much.

> Please, please, please disable HTML email by default though, and tell the 
> children about how evil it is before they get the 'outlook express ivy-leaf 
> border' disease.

*lol* Just wait for the "tablet PC" with MS Windows to become more 
widespread. Looking forward to "handwriting email" on mailing lists? 
After all, why go through the handwriting recognition when you can post 
a nice image... everybody can read your writing, obviously. *sigh*. 
Handwriting email was a /bad/ idea.


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