[Lias] netNOW NZ - Getting to the source

ken_yap at users.sourceforge.net ken_yap at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 24 13:04:02 UTC 2003

>I don't personally like articles that claim linux on 386... If you are 
>going to put it in front of teachers and students then KDE and 
>openoffice is a _good_ idea - bing PIII 500 and 128M memory - lets be 
>reasonable about that.

I agree there, it's all very well for the article to say use CLI on a
386 with 12MB, but then you don't get all the GUI programs and then
parents will say what are you teaching the kids, they won't be using
CLIs in the real world and that's true, except for sysadmins.

But if you use LTSP (plug plug: www.ltsp.org) thin clients, the minimum
becomes a 486 with 16MB (P100 with 32MB even better). As long as the
server is beefy you can run all the GUIs you like.

Kamloops BC, CA school district has taken the plunge successfully.

As always the will to change is the important thing.

>And lets not forget the oodles of educational programs that are written 
>for windows (but not linux)

But the list at SEUL continues to grow.

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