[Lias] School Intranet Servers, Continued

waynus at netspace.net.au waynus at netspace.net.au
Mon Apr 7 13:56:02 UTC 2003

4/7/2003 11:19:03 AM, "Les Bell" <lesbell at lesbell.com.au> wrote:

>2. I need to quickly get an understanding of the way in which the
>DET-provided network infrastructure operates inside a school. Ours 
has a NT
>box functioning as file/print server and also apparently default 
gateway -
>is this a standard configuration? 

Differs fron school to school but many have this type of setup, the 
router is the gateway it will be 10.xxx.xxx.1

If so, do all teachers have an account in
>the NT domain? (I'm puzzling over how to integrate with the NT 
domain and
>provide single sign-on)

They can have if you want them to or they can use a generic staff 

>3. A question for the teachers here: In order to automate account 
>and management, I want to be able to import all the kids' names and 
>data in a batch process. Do schools normally have any kind of file 
>could be used for this purpose, perhaps from the OASIS system 
(about which,
>I confess, I know nothing)?

There is such a utility designed by Stu Hasic from St george district, it 
is available on their web site. It simply exports the data as a tab 
deliniated text file. it will set things up on the NT server if you wish it 
to. http://www.stgeorged.det.nsw.edu.au/eduweb/index.htm

Hope this helps

 Wayne Crich

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