[Lias] School Intranet Servers, Continued

Leon Brooks leon at cyberknights.com.au
Mon Apr 7 11:50:02 UTC 2003

On Monday 07 April 2003 09:19, Les Bell wrote:
> 3. A question for the teachers here: In order to automate account creation
> and management, I want to be able to import all the kids' names and class
> data in a batch process. Do schools normally have any kind of file that
> could be used for this purpose, perhaps from the OASIS system (about which,
> I confess, I know nothing)?

If you base your authentication (and addressbook etc) on LDAP, tools exist to 
help migrate an NT domain to LDAP. The advantages (as well as having the data 
in a long-established standard form) of LDAP include the availability of 
portable, standard tools for manipulating LDAP directory contents, and the 
LDAP awareness of many email clients. LDAP can be used as an auth source for 
all manner of things, including Samba, Apache, ProFTPd and PAM, and there is 
good integration between email tools like PostFix, Courier IMAP and LDAP.

Cheers; Leon

http://cyberknights.com.au/     Modern tools; traditional dedication
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