[Lias] PHP compile

Arjen G. Lentz arjen at mysql.com
Sun Dec 2 11:54:00 UTC 2001

Hi Simon,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Bryan" <sbryan at olmc.nsw.edu.au>

> I am trying to compile PHP on the same server as my existing
> AUC setup and don't want to break it.
> I need to compile it with MySql support so include
> --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
> which is where all the Mysql files eem to be apart from som in
> /usr/local/lib/mysql
> However I keep getting:
> Cannot find mysqlclient library under /usr/local/mysql
> Any clues as to where to point it?

First of all, if you don't have any specific need to compile your own
binaries, do consider just using the binary distribution for PHP, MySQL,
Apache, etc... apart from getting an easy install (RPM), those binaries will
have been compiled using optimal settings and be tested
Sometimes you can get funny results if you do your own compile, due to
compiler version or using certain switches. It can be done, but it can be
tricky and therefore will cost you more time.

If you want to compile PHP from source with MySQL support anyway, you will
need to grab the mysql-devel package (MySQL Libraries and Header files for
development), which you can download from www.mysql.com. You don't need the
exact same version for the libraries as the MySQL server version you use, so
if you use a 3.23 release MySQL, just grab the latest 3.23 devel package.
Again, getting the RPM should be the easiest.
Then, you just need to point the PHP compile to whereever the mysql-devel
package puts the client library!

Remember MySQL is a client/server program, you need to compile the client
library into PHP, your MySQL server setup is wholly separate from all that....


MySQL Training Worldwide, http://www.mysql.com/training/
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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Mr. Arjen G. Lentz <arjen at mysql.com>
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