[Grants] Grant Application from Jennifer Sims for Sports Connection Australia - Gender Diverse Sporting Streaming

Linux Australia Website admin-team at linux.org.au
Tue Jul 16 22:10:47 AEST 2024

Your Email Address: jeneralpain at kingstoncityrollers.com.au
Project name: Sports Connection Australia - Gender Diverse Sporting Streaming
Grant Type: Community Grant
Aim of the project: The aim of this project is to utilise open source software (OBS) to live stream roller derby events from around Victoria for sporting teams that do not have the financial or technological backing to share their sport with the world. Currently, roller derby gets no grant support, and we have some of the highest participation of Gender Diverse and Neurodiverse skaters. The team behind SCA are an offshoot of Kingston City Rollers which recently won a gold level award for LGBTI participation. We want to support open source, and our team came up and supported "Everything Open 2024" for an in-kind (some expenses covered by the event) to live stream the event to the world along with recording it.
The key milestone is to provide streaming for multiple events across the year using these funds. It will allow us to purchase products that allow us to make best use of the OBS platform to live stream.
Estimated cost breakdown of the project: The total cost is $2000 to purchase components for the live stream
Project team details: Jennifer "Jeneral Pain" Sims - Technical Stream - jennifer at sportsconnectionaustralia.com.au
Nick "Bullseye" Brown - Technical Support - nick at sportsconnectionaustralia.com.au
Corinne "Exy" Christie - Minister for War and Finance - corinne at sportsconnectionaustralia.com.au
(Exy keeps Jeneral and Bullseye in check, keeps the finances and the cray ideas under control)
"Exy" founded Sports Connection Australia as a way to bring the LGBTI support to the sporting teams. Previously there was minimal support to sporting teams but its taking much more great significance as more continues. Jennifer has provided in-kind support via SCA through to LCA for Everything Open 2024 and more. 
Nick and Jennifer both contribute to the open source software that the roller derby scoreboard operates (http://www.github.com/rollerderby/scoreboard)
We're a big proponent of Open Source, Open Gender, Open diversity, we want no boundaries, we want everyone to come, enjoy our sport, because everyone loves the thrills and spills, and even more so, loves that roller derby is "an everyone sport, no matter your size, gender, identity, sexuality etc". 
First Name: Jennifer
Last Name: Sims
Email Address: jennifer at sportsconnectionaustralia.com.au
A statement including a willingness to provide regular project updates on the project: As part of this project, we would be providing constant updates as required for the team to be satisified that this community grant has gone to a good home. We know that money these days is tight for everyone, (interest rates, politics mutter mutter), but we want Linux Australia to know that their support of a sport with its scoreboard, stats and other items built on the back of open source technologies, are huge, and well loved. We would make sure during any streams that we can place a "Powered by Linux Australia" or "Supported by Linux Australia" as part of this. Along with any other ideas you might have, but we'd really love to work with you.
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