[Grants] Grant Application from Jade Ambrose for Merri-bek Tech Raspberri Pi / Wikipedia hosting course

Kathy Reid kathy at kathyreid.id.au
Mon Jul 8 13:48:12 AEST 2024

Hi all,

This grant request is well-structured, well-costed, and both Matt and 
Lilly are well known to LA from the PyConAU and LCA/EverythingOpen 
community, although I don't know Jade, Simon and Alexis personally. This 
sounds like it has strong alignment with the purpose of the LA grants 

My questions about this request are more structural than alignment-focussed:

- There is no ABN I could find for Merri-Bek Tech, so there are 
questions around how the grant would be executed (e.g. LA could 
reimburse upon sighting of receipts, so it's still workable IMHO).

- If the sessions are being held at a neighbourhood house, I'm curious 
why Merri-Bek Tech is being asked to pay insurance - because that's a 
LOT of insurance for some volunteer tech session (or, the neighbourhood 
house might be trying to claw back budget because of *waves at 
economy*). From memory, LA pays less than $AUD10k per year for *all* its 
insurance coverage.

- Regarding the comment around LA auspicing, generally this would be 
done via the Subcommittee model [0]. However, the business model of 
Merri-Bek Tech, from what I can gather on the website, is to generate 
revenue by providing community and individual hosting using free software.

For clarification, is Merri-Bek Tech asking that as an _organisation_ it 
is auspiced by Linux Australia, or that this _event_ - the Raspberry Pi 
tutorial sessions - are auspiced by Linux Australia? Because I think 
that changes the approach.

Ideally, if this grant were to be approved, I would like to see the 
curriculum / materials open sourced in some way for re-use, perhaps as a 
community-developed Carpentries module? [1]

Kind regards,

Kathy Reid


[1] https://carpentries.org/community-lessons/

On 7/7/24 12:45, Linux Australia Website wrote:
> Your Email Address: jade at hopepunk.me
> Project name: Merri-bek Tech Raspberri Pi / Wikipedia hosting course
> Grant Type: Project Grant
> Aim of the project: Merri-bek Tech Inc, a non-profit in northern Melbourne, aims to run a 3 month course for a cohort of volunteers new to technology to learn the fundamentals of running linux on the Raspberry Pi, networking and web hosting, leading to group projects centred around a simple first web hosting problem, being hosting a wikipedia mirror on Pi based infrastructure that works locally even if mains power is lost.
> The course will run from August - October 2024, weekly on Thursday evenings at Sussex Neighbourhood House. It will consist of approximately 5 structured learning evenings, 6 project evenings with tutors assisting, and a final showcase. The course will include about 10 volunteers. The neighbourhood house has a windows desktop per student, but we aim to have a Raspberry Pi for each student for their linux work.
> We're asking for a grant to assist with purchasing Raspberry Pi hardware. These will be re-used for future cohorts, and also for the hosting itself.
> Further details here:
> We have received $1,000 in funding from Merri-bek City Council for a volunteer coordinator.
> Estimated cost breakdown of the project: Hardware:
> $1,500 10 x Raspberry Pi 5 (plus power supply, SD card, etc) for students
> $500 - $1,000 hosting hardware (more Pi's, network switch, low power wifi router, UPS, 3d printed enclosures)
> Insurance:
> $1,620 for the year (I'll reach out separately to see if auspicing by linux australia might help there)
> Venue:
> $360 (non-profit rate) for Sussex Neighbourhood House computer Room
> Volunteer Coordinator:
> $1,000 (covered by grant)
> Total Project Cost
> $4,980
> Of that, $1,000 is covered by a grant. We are asking for a grant of $1,000 from Linux Australia to put towards the hardware. We will cover the rest with private donations.
> Project team details: The program is mainly being planned by our regular committee of experienced techologists and community organisers:
> Jade (Craig) Ambrose: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigambrose/
> Simon Hildebrandt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonhildebrandt/
> Lilly Ryan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lilly-ryan/
> Matt Cengia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattcen/
> Alexis Hazell: https://github.com/flexibeast
> Between us we have run many tech events and given talks at multiple open source conferences.
> With additional advice and help from Russel Coker, Greg Bromage and others.
> First Name: Jade
> Last Name: Ambrose
> Email Address: jade at hopepunk.me
> A statement including a willingness to provide regular project updates on the project: As association secretary of Merri-bek Tech Inc, and a Linux Australia member, I'm very happy to give a report to Linux Australia at the following milestones:
> * Purchase of the hardware with assistance from Linux Australia
> * Filling all ten places for the course with diverse participants
> * Start of the three month program
> * Final showcase of the three month program.
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