[Flounder] next meeting

Andrew Pam andrew at sericyb.com.au
Sat Apr 1 16:57:53 AEDT 2023

On 1/4/23 15:51, Russell Coker wrote:
> anti spam
> game development
> Comparison: multiple threads in a single CPU, or multiple CPUs on a single
> board?
> The above were 3 topics suggested for future meetings.  The first one seems
> like the best for the next meeting.  I will setup a hands-on training session
> for running Postfix with anti-spam and Andrew and I will talk about anti-spam.
> Andrew does that fit with your schedule?

Sure, as long as we're not distracted by the coronation of our King.

> For game development, that's your thing Andrew, when would be a good day for
> that?  June meeting?

Yes, that should be fine.

mailto:xanni at xanadu.net               Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/                 Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/            Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/               Manager, Serious Cybernetics

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