[Linux-aus] Reminder: Linux Australia election nominations close in 6 days

Miles Goodhew miles at m0les.com
Mon Jan 1 15:30:40 AEDT 2024

Hi all,
  This is just a new-year's reminder that Linux Australia's (LA's) Council election nominations close on the 6th of January.

  There are currently 6 people nominating for 7 positions, so we need at least one more candidate to be able to fill all positions when the election opens.

  If you've ever felt like getting involved in LA or any of the conferences it supports, I'd like to invite you to consider nominating for the LA Council. The three Ordinary Council Member (OCM) positions are great places to get started, if you're a first-timer or you don't feel you have the time or experience for the other 4 positions with identified responsibilities. It happens that the OCM position is the one there's effectively a short-fall for (presuming the Vice-President role gets filled by one of the two people also nominating for OCM).

  If you *are* interested in nominating, note that the nomination process is a *little* convoluted, you have to follow these 3 main steps:

 1. NOMINATE for the position by logging-into the https://linux.org.au website, going to the member area -> elections -> view/submit 2024 nominations, press the "submit nomination" button and fill-in the form. Typically you'd nominate yourself, but you can nominate others (just try to clear it with them first)
 2. Get a SECOND for your nomination by someone other than the nominator or nominee. People do this by pressing the NOMINATE button under the individual nominee on the election page (then filling-in the form). If you don't have a second, I'm happy to do so (as long as you seem genuine and capable) - just get in touch.
 3. ACCEPT the nomination - This is the step that has tripped-up many people in the past (including yours truly).  The nominee does this by pressing the ACCEPT NOMINATION button, which is up the top of the election page, near where there SUBMIT NOMINATION button should be. Once the nominee has accepted the nomination, their candidate status should show as "Accepted". Now they're eligible for the upcoming election.
So please have a think about joining the LA council and jumping through all those hoops.

* I'm not currently on the LA council, but I have been in the past
* I am also nominating for the OCM positions in 2024
* I personally know all the 6 nominees we have currently (and I recommend them all)


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