[Linux-aus] A photon bucket and a shameless plug

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun Feb 4 04:06:08 AEDT 2024

G'day Linux Australia people,

I'm on the bridge of a titanic spaceship, operating a photon bucket,
Australia's largest.  I've seen planes, satellites, planets,
asteroids, stars and galaxies.  Also ten spiders, one gecko, and
fifteen kangaroos.  Lots of Linux, C, C++, Tcl/Tk, and Python here.


Happy to answer questions.


Hey, does anyone need someone like me?  Experience like an accretion
disc, stuff keeps falling in, with Linux and embedded systems always
in orbit.  Bit strange, think differently, but like a challenge.  If
you've met me, hello again.  May regale you with cool stories of One
Laptop per Child, Open Firmware, everything Linux, operating
telescopes, digital electronics, living in the outback, and being
misidentified as a movie director.  Am I interesting?  More at;


p.s. this meal break post not written by an AI.  ;-)
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