[Linux-aus] GUI programming

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Mon May 22 10:37:17 AEST 2023

On Sun, May 21, 2023, at 10:43 PM, Russell Coker via linux-aus wrote:
> [snip]
> What I want to do is move many of the things I do on my laptop to a phone and 
> that requires less use of the command-line.  So shell scripts need to be 
> replaced with GUI operations and ssh to run commands on a server needs to be 
> replaced by API use or parsing ssh output for GUI display.
I feel like what you want, then, is a Web UI that allows you to run those tools.

Flutter might be a reasonable substitute, as it seems to be able to be compiled to run on Android devices.  Not sure about iOS.  But that still seems to be a complicated work-around for running a CLI program from a phone - a web UI to a secured server seems a much better way to achieve that.

I may be biased in this view, because I wrote a Web UI for a bunch of command line tools (doing DNA sequence processing) so that researchers could run CLI programs and get results without having to learn CLI syntax.  Sadly it's long defunct, it was written in Perl, and I'd hosted it on my own Subversion server rather than on something sophisticated like GitHub.  It'd be better to start from scratch on that.

I'd imagine there are perfectly good CGI interfaces for C++, and then you can use HTML and CSS for the layout.


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