[Linux-aus] GUI programming

Simon Lees sflees at suse.de
Mon May 22 05:56:37 AEST 2023

On 5/21/23 22:13, Russell Coker via linux-aus wrote:
> What's the easiest way of doing GUI programming on Linux?  When I Google this
> I get lots of results about Python programming, Python isn't a language I like
> or want to learn but I wouldn't rule out using it for simple things if it is
> much easier than other options.  I would prefer C/C++.
> What I would ideally like is a system like IBM's VisualAge for C++ on Linux.
> When using VisualAge C++ on OS/2 I could write a program that had all the
> basic controls and basic operations on them (EG enter text into an entry field
> and click a button to have it added to a listbox) without writing any code.
> For writing a GUI front-end to a server I could design all the screens
> graphically and then just write C code to copy data between entry fields and
> API calls.  But I have the impression that no such thing exists for Linux.
> I know it sounds horrible, but something like VisualBasic for Linux would
> probably do.

I have used pretty much all the Linux gui frameworks at some point, and 
if I have the choice i'll always use Qt, if you know C++ once you get 
your head around its event system and Signal Slots (Callback System) 
everything is pretty straight forward and QtCreator will get you a long 
way pretty quickly, it allows you to drag out and layout UI's from 
components like buttons so all you have to do after is link them to 

> What I want to do is move many of the things I do on my laptop to a phone and
> that requires less use of the command-line.  So shell scripts need to be
> replaced with GUI operations and ssh to run commands on a server needs to be
> replaced by API use or parsing ssh output for GUI display.

I have used Qt with android in the past, I redid the main UI with bigger 
buttons and with the android NDK installed was able to build and deploy 
it as a test app. That was a few years back I haven't tried recently.

Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

Emergency Update Team                           keybase.io/simotek
SUSE Linux                           Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30
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