[Linux-aus] [Linux-aus, abuse] Prince Alfred e-petition & coronation deadline

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Wed May 3 22:34:17 AEST 2023

Regarding the following, written by "lists--- via linux-aus" on 2023-05-03 at 21:48 Uhr +0930:
>I replied directly to Daniel and politely requested that he respect 
>my wishes for him to never send me an email ever again for any 
>reason, and to never use or publish my email address again for any 
>reason. Perhaps if everyone did that (directly and not to any 
>list!) he might come to a reasonable conclusion about his unwanted 

Hahahaha. There is no reason in this meatsack.

>If he doesn't then following up to the abuse@ address Kathy sent 
>previously on this thread might be the next step.

The only way to deal with Daniel (and people like him) is to remain 
disciplined on our behalf and *simply never engage*. Folks like him 
get all the excitement whenever someone engages with them, or *gasp* 
even argues.

Do not feed the troll. Do not feed the poCock.

@martinkrafft | https://matrix.to/#/#madduck:madduck.net
weapon, n.:
   an index of the lack of development of a culture.
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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