[Linux-aus] Linux Phone and Convergence progress

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Sat Jul 8 20:32:50 AEST 2023


I received my PinePhone and did some tests with it, I wrote the above blog 
post about it.  Since then I have got KDE running on it and found it much more 
to my taste than GNOME.


I've spent a lot of time investigating various options for sandboxing apps.  
My conclusion is that Bubblewrap is the best option at this time which can 
give the low overhead you need on a phone while also giving a decent choice of 
security options.  Things to investigate next include SE Linux policy related 
to Bubblewrap confinement, BPF/seccomp, and default settings for desktop apps.

In the above blog post I've included examples of Bubblewrap configuration that 
confine some common operations.  Hopefully this will inspire others to do more 
of the same.

Things that I haven't even blogged about yet include tests with USB-C docks 
(sad news - PinePhone and Librem5 don't seem to support 4k) and using a serial 
console to debug PinePhone kernel panics (I have a USB-C dock that reliably 
crashes the Mobian kernel).

My Main Blog         http://etbe.coker.com.au/
My Documents Blog    http://doc.coker.com.au/

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