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Re: Vista Sales, TV ads [Was: [Linux-aus] Vista v. Linux Movie]

On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 16:45 +1100, James Purser wrote:
> I propose to put together a documentary looking at the Australian FOSS
> community. This would take the form of interviews with different "names"
> within the community as well as those outside the community who utilise
> FOSS to achieve their aims whether its big business or community groups.
> This is being proposed off my own bat, nothing to do with LA. Details
> will be setout to those who are interested.

Okay further to this, I've setup a wiki at media.k-sit.com for all the
media projects I'm involved with or am getting started. I've put
together a very basic entry for the Australian FOSS documentary here:

I'd be interested in hearing ideas.
James Purser <purserj@k-sit.com>

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