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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux Australia Website

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 18:08 +1100, Andrew Donnellan wrote:
> I don't know a whole lot about this but there are a whole lot of
> modules out there to download already. The main problem for the LA
> site is memberDB.

Why? or indeed, how?

Look and feel integration can be done quite easily with some XHTML and
CSS snippets into MemberDB (to get it looking like just about anything)
and authentication to the same system can be done with a  suitable
CREATE VIEW command into the MySQL server.

> > Typo3 would be next on my list, but it's very complex, cumbersome and
> > rather fusty. Apparently good for very large sites.
> I've tried Typo3 and just said 'nuh uh, this is WAY too complex...'
> Also LA is not a very large site by my measures.
> James, as you said MemberDB integration is important, however I would
> suggest a possible rewrite of MemberDB in whatever language we end up
> using. IMHO it is a bit too complex for a relatively simple members
> database+elections system, also if we end up using Zope or Django or
> another Python based system with an object database it would be very
> easy to port and simpler than the current system.

Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Committee Member, Linux Australia

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