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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux Australia Website

My experience with Typo3 would suggest it is not a good alternative for Linux Australia. If there is a guru out there who wants to set it all up then maybe it would work. No doubting it is a great piece of work but it is very complex and a complete pain to set up and and develop within. It's great strength seems to be it's permission systems - which for Linux Australia are probably not worth much. It does have a WYSIWYG content editor and provides impressive client-side functionality that seems to work well in all browsers,..... but, it is still a beast :-)



Damien Bezborodow wrote:
I have a solid year's experience with Drupal and I must say that its a
horrible system to work with. Its biggest drawbacks in 4.6 that I
encounter every day are:

- Lack of native GUI editor
- Lack of object orientated design (especially cumbersome when building
- Pathetic theme system

Granted, the hooks system is easy to use for simple tasks.

I've been playing with Plone recently. Have you considered using it?

Typo3 would be next on my list, but it's very complex, cumbersome and
rather fusty. Apparently good for very large sites.

-- Paul Coldrey http://www.ensigma.com.au/