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Re: [Linux-aus] Student Run ICT

James Purser wrote:
I've had a request from one of our international friends for ideas on
student managed infrastructure in Universities/TAFE/High Schools.

The basic concept is the students take over the running/management of
part of the ICT resource as part-time employees, responsible to a
manager from the Edu org. Thus giving the students some real world

If anyone has any stories or knows of anything like this then please
send it through to this list.

It's pretty common, a lot of university colleges do their student Internet access that way.

The issues are:

 1) continuity of information

    Why was this done, what is the service identifier, when
    do warranties expire, etc.  All of which needs the sort of
    documentation that students dislike.

 2) enthusiasms

    I saw one college do a complete AppleTalk rollout, even to
    the PCs.  LocalTalk being such a superior networking technology
    that PC users would one day see the light and give up on that
    ethernet silliness.

    For a more recent example, Linux on the desktop has aspects
    of being an enthusiasm.

A lot of US universities make great use of paid students to
provide help desk and similar services.  One of the better ones
I saw had a student-staffed drop-in center where you could
take your laptop, demonstrate your problem, and get it seen

 Glen Turner         Tel: (08) 8303 3936 or +61 8 8303 3936
 Australia's Academic & Research Network  www.aarnet.edu.au