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Re: [Linux-aus] An abridged history of #linuxaus and Linux Australia IRC

On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 12:01 +1000, Pia Waugh wrote:

> So there are two questions here:
> 1) Shall we merge with the linuxaus channel on oftc?

That would depend whether you're interested in tackling another
community shifting exercise. You've done it before and it probably
wouldn't hurt to do it again as an exercise in inclusiveness but that is
a separate issue to whether we moved networks.

> 2) Is there any compelling reason people can think of to move to OFTC at
>    all?

I'm not going to repeat all the arguments already put so eloquently but
I will add this anonymous post to a UK list recently that I think,
questions of accuracy aside (I have not verified any of the "facts"),
goes a long way towards expressing the way a lot of people feel about
the manner with which Freenode is operated:



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