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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux Australia Donations Scheme!

gareth wrote:
Will there be other options?
Direct Deposit, Paypal or Credit Card?
I had an itchy clicky-finger but I long ago forgot how to work stamps.

There will be a credit card option, maybe sometime next month. If you want to help us work out how to handle direct deposits right now though, that'd be great -- mail Mark Tearle (treasurer@linux.org.au) for info. Basically, we just expect we'll need some out-of-band way of correlating deposits with the project they're intended for, since we're not sure how well we can rely on the bank's reporting for that. Anyway, based on how your donation works out, we'll get something formalised and put up on the website. :)


Anthony Towns <secretary@linux.org.au>
Secretary, Linux Australia Inc
