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[Linux-aus] Japan, China, Korea plan Windows replacement ["...such as Linux..."]

Apparently Malaysia and Denmark were being too subtle:


    Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) said that, if the plan matures,
    the three nations are likely to build upon an open-source
    operating system, such as Linux, and develop an inexpensive
    and trustworthy system.

    The plan is to be proposed by Japanese Trade Minister Takeo
    Hiranuma at a meeting of economic ministers from the three
    nations in Phnom Penh on Wednesday, it said, adding that
    agreement was seen as likely.


    The three governments may even consider partly subsidising
    development of the new system, which could eventually be
    used in government computer networks.

Thanks to Ed Hurst for the link. All of this in two days... makes one 
wonder what's around the corner. (-:

Cheers; Leon

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