[Open Source Forums] Abrahamowicz to the rescue!
Lawrence Auster
lawrence.auster at att.net
Sun Feb 1 08:03:32 EST 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Abrahamowicz to the rescue!
EDITOR'S NOTE: Courage is always contagious. The sight of one human being standing alone against a mob or a crowd often inspires others, in spite of threats and insults from the majority. In the Western heritage particularly, this is seen as a hallmark of nobility.
In an autumn afternoon, long ago, my maternal grandfather came into a room where the television was broadcasting a college football game. One of his friends asked him, "Which team are you rooting for, Joe?" Not being familiar with either team that day, my grandfather replied, "Which one is the underdog?" and that would be the team he rooted for.
In the past week, Bishop Richard Williamson has faced more pressure than most human beings encounter in a lifetime. He has been silenced and humiliated by his superiors, and banned from the cathedrals and churches of Germany. Throughout this ordeal he has refused to recant his views about execution gas chambers. As is often the case, this defiant 'underdog' has in turn inspired other human beings who despise bullying, and are suspicious of consensus realities fomented by howling mobs certain of their omniscience, and emboldened by the sense that their behavior is approved by popes and rabbis (actually here one should perhaps say, "papal-rabbis and regular rabbis," since certain popes have acted as crypto-rabbis, rather than as St. Peter would).
The good news is that Bishop Williamson now has company, in the form of another outspoken priest of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX; "Lefebvrist" in the jargon of newchurch), by the significant name of Floriano Abrahamowicz, himself of Judaic descent.
Rev. Abrahamowicz is an independent thinker, not at all didactic, an agnostic on the subject of the dogma we are all forced to believe --homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz-- and a man willing to think outside the box. His remarks (see below) are refreshing in their belief in the right to question man-made dogmas rendered sacred by tyrants posing as progressives.
The Establishment media, including in particular the media of the Novus Ordo Catholic Church, are so biased they write mendacious headlines even after the subject of the headline has corrected them. Hence, the false accusation "...questions (the) Holocaust" in the headline from the National Catholic Reporter newspaper.
These sly scribblers think they are getting away with their deception, taking advantage of the Orwellian "Holocaust" Newspeak which has been imposed on the question of the gas chambers, to make it appear that in questioning ONE DETAIL of the history of World War II, the informed skeptic is in fact a madman who questions the WHOLE HISTORY of World War II.
They cannot afford to omit their pet "Holocaust" word lest people focus on the issue at hand: there is not one single autopsy report showing that a single person was "gassed in Auschwitz." Not one! When asked at the 1985 show-trial in Toronto of publisher Ernst Zundel, to produce scientific evidence of homicidal gasings, Norman Finkelstein's hero, Dr. Raul Hilberg, the dean of American "Holocaust" historians, told the court, "I'm at a loss."
This dearth of scientific evidence of executions by gas, most ably documented by the imprisoned Max Planck chemist Germar Rudolf (http://www.vho.org/dl/ENG/loth.pdf), is the focus of the revisionists, not a so-called "Holocaust" (a word which was neologistically imposed on this field of study circa 1967), which can mean anything from innocent Judaic civilians cruelly forced into concentration camps (true) and shot in large numbers on the Eastern front (also true), to Elie Wiesel's aunt being made into a lampshade (false) and Rudolf Vrba seeing death by gassings in Auschwitz (also false, as this "infallible eyewitness" reluctantly admitted under Zundel defense attorney Doug Christie's cross-examination in Toronto).
Holocaustianity must traffic in generalities, received opinion and hysteria to maintain its cachet. Revisionism is concerned with specifics and exactitude, according to the same standards of empirical skepticism deemed appropriate in all other historical inquiries, as applied to all other atrocity claims, as for example the current evasion by Israeli officials of war crimes charges in Gaza, an evasion considered quite respectable by the very same media that mock and deride those who cast doubt on a gas chamber tale that has transmogrified its narrative and its architecture numerous times since 1944.
--Michael Hoffman
Italian Lefebvrite priest questions Holocaust
By John L. Allen, Jr,
National Catholic Reporter (NCR)
Jan. 29, 2009
In the wake of a global furor triggered by Pope Benedict XVIs decision to lift the excommunication of four traditionalist Catholic bishops, including one who cast doubt on the Holocaust, another leader in the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X has questioned whether the Nazis used gas chambers for anything other than disinfection, and said that people who hold revisionist views on the Holocaust are not anti-Semites.
Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz, a pastor and spokesperson for the Society of St. Pius X in northeastern Italy, also referred to Jews as a people of deicide, referring to the death of Christ, and suggested that the Jewish Holocaust has been exalted over what he called other genocides, such as the Allied bombing of German cities and the Israeli occupation of the Gaza strip.
On the other hand, Abrahamowicz insisted that the traditionalist movement founded by the late French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is not anti-Semitic. Among other things, Abrahamowicz said, he himself has Jewish roots on his fathers side.
The comments came in a Jan. 29 interview with the Italian newspaper La Tribuna di Treviso.
(An NCR translation of the full text of the interview appears below.)
Abrahamowicz is himself a well-known figure in Italy. In 2006, he gave a television interview in which he said that Erich Priebke, a German SS officer convicted of war crimes for a 1944 massacre in Rome, in which 335 Italian civilians were killed in reprisal for the deaths of 33 German soldiers, should not be seen as an executioner but rather a soldier who acted with regret and a heavy heart.
In 2007, Abrahamowicz celebrated a Latin Mass for Italian politician Umberto Bossi, leader of the far-right Northern League party.
La Tribuna di Treviso
Interview with Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz, Jan. 29, 2009
By Laura Canzian
Fr. Floriano, is the Lefebvrite community anti-Semitic?
Its truly impossible for a Catholic Christian to be anti-Semitic. I myself, on my fathers side, have Jewish roots. My last name even suggests this. This entire polemic regarding the statements of Bishop Williamson concerns the existence of gas chambers, and has been strongly instrumentalized for anti-Vatican purposes. Williamson simply expressed his doubts, and his denial is not of the Holocaust as newspapers have falsely said but of the technical aspect of the gas chambers.
In your view, whats the technical aspect of the gas chambers?
Certainly, it was imprudent of Williamson to get into technical questions. In the famous interview, you can see that the journalist was obviously leading up to this specific aspect. But you have to understand that the theme of the Holocaust is situated on a much higher level than the question of knowing whether the victims died from gas or from other causes.
What do you think? About the gas chambers, I mean.
Truly, I dont know. I know that gas chambers existed at least for disinfection, but I dont know if they were used to kill people or not, because I havent studied the question. I know that, alongside the official version [of events], theres another version based on the observations of the first Allied technicians who entered the camps.
Do you cast doubt on the number of victims of the Holocaust?
No, I dont cast doubt on the numbers. There could have been more than six million victims. Even in the Jewish world, the number has a symbolic value. Pope Ratzinger says that even one person killed unjustly is too many, which is a way of saying that its equal to six million. To speak about numbers doesnt change anything with respect to the essence of genocide, which is always an exaggeration.
An exaggeration? In what sense?
The number [of six million] is derived from what the head of the German Jewish community said to the Anglo-Americans shortly after the liberation. In the heat of the moment, he fired off a number. But how could he know? For him, the important point was that these victims were unjustly killed for religious motives. If theres a criticism to be made of the way in which the tragedy of the Holocaust has been handled, its in giving it a supremacy with respect to other genocides.
To which other exterminations are you referring?
If Bishop Williamson had gone on television to deny the genocide of 1.2 million Armenians by the Turks, I dont think that all the newspapers would have talked about his statements in the same terms theyre using now. Who has ever talked about the Anglo-American genocide in the bombing of German cities? Who has ever talked about Churchill, who ordered the phosphorous bombing of Dresden, where there were not only many civilians, but also many Allied soldiers? Who has spoken about the English air force, which, in the bombing of the cities, killed hundreds of thousands of civilians? And the Israelis certainly cant tell me that the genocide they suffered from the Nazis is less serious than that of Gaza, simply because theyve taken out a few thousand persons, while the Nazis took out six million. This is where I fault Judaism, which exasperates rather than honoring the victims of genocide decently. Its as if there were only one genocide in history, that of the Jews during the Second World War. It seems like you can say anything you want about all the other exterminated peoples, but no one at the global level has spoken in the terms in which people are speaking today after the declarations of Bishop Williamson.
Why do so many people still cast doubt on the Shoah (Holocaust)? Why is it a subject that still divides people so viscerally?
Because the whole history of humanity is marked by the people of Israel, who initially were the people of God, who then became the people of deicide, and who at the end of time will reconvert to Jesus Christ. Behind it all is a mysterious theological aspect, which is that of the people of God which rejected its Messiah and which still combats him. Its a mystery of doctrine. Anti-Semitism is born from the illuminated liberal and Gnostic world. The church throughout history has always protected the Jews from pogroms, as one reads, for example, in Domenico Savinos book on ritual homicide.
What do you think of [Holocaust] denial?
Denial is a false problem, because it focuses on methods and numbers and doesnt address the substance of the problem. Those who have studied the technical data, and who have cast certain doubts on the versions that we find in history books, arent anti-Semites. Its enough to recall that the first ones to find this data were also those who saved the Jews, meaning the Allies.
Do you want to offer a message to the Jewish community?
One message: As a Catholic Christian, adding that (a) little Jewish blood that runs in my veins, I express the hope that the Jews will embrace Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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