[Video] Hello video people!

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Fri May 10 01:45:28 EST 2013

Hello LA Video Team,

So I think there's a couple of topics we need to discuss, and I'd like
to get the ball rolling.

Volunteer crew:
  - Camera operators (each stream of a conf needs at least one of these)
  - Directors/dvswitch operators (each stream of a conf needs at least
one of these)
  - Streaming Engineers (typically this has been just Tim, but we need
more people on this piece to spread the knowledge)
  - Audio Engineers - its more important than the moving pictures!

And for our larger events, LCA, PyCon, and others, this expands more:
  - Video review and publishing team
  - Crew manager/scheduler - ensuring we have cam ops, dvswitch ops in
each stream
  - Crew catering (crew turn up early, leave late, and need to be fed
and watered)
  - Equipment manager - organise delivery, storage, distribution,
repair, recovery, and on-shipping of kit
  - Network engineer
  - Head of AV kicking all the rest along!

So looking at LCA, with say 4 presentation streams (ignore keynote for
the moment):

4 cam ops + 4 dvswitch + 1 stream engineer + 1 audio engineer + 4
reviewers + 1 manager + 1 catering + 1 equipment + 1 net + head = 18 Av

For the keynote, I think 2-3 cam ops, 1 dvswitch on top makes this lift
to 22 trained heads who know what they are doing, and who aren't
watching the event but "working". Note that with timing of keynotes to
streams means while it may be technically possible to rush crew from one
venue to anove (keynote -> presentation) there's not enough time to also
test and be ready in the interval between end-of-keynote and

I think we need to start getting a feel for who these people are: are
they part of the Linux/Open Source community, or are they volunteers
from places like film schools, etc, or somewhere else? I think the value
placed on the video streams should be that we try to move towards either
partial or full sponsorship for these crew to attend the events;
covering meals and accommodation (for those who have travelled in) at
the least, but this is a delicate topic and one we'll have to work
through (meals & accommodation is at least a fix cost per head at each
even pretty much).

So, there's a first post: look, not a technical thing on there. We'll
come to that in different threads. Lets talk people. Comment away.


/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
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