[LC++]Finding if class is NULL

TwinkiE_HunteR-G twinkie.hunter.g at hard-wire.net
Wed Apr 7 13:38:01 UTC 2004

Hello folks,

I'm having some problems overloading the !+ operator, all I need it to do is to
check to see if the object is NULL. I can't seem to get it to work. Will I 
have to overload the
operator for each data type that I want to check it for?
i.e If i want to check if it is not equal to another of the same class 
write one
function, not equal to an integer, write another function? Or is there
something else I'm missing?

If you need more info about what I'm trying to do I'll supply it to the best of
my ability.

Thank You

- TwinkiE_HunteR-G strikes again!
: twinkie.hunter.g at hard-wire.net
: HARD-WiRE Web Design
: http://www.hard-wire.net 

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