[LC++]Scoping question

Jack Lloyd lloyd at acm.jhu.edu
Mon Jul 22 08:57:15 UTC 2002

I've got a question that is just plain nasty, and I've got the feeling I'm
going to have to wade through the ISO spec to figure it out. But I thought
I would take a chance on asking here first.

I have a global variable x.

I also have a static variable y, inside a static member function in a

If x's destructor is called before y's, the program will crash (y needs to
call x to do it's destruction).

Am I guaranteed this will happen as I want by ISO? I know that for global
variables in seperate files, any ordering can be used for their
construction/destruction. Is this the same situation with static variables,
or are they considered to be constructed strictly after and destroyed
strictly before global variables are?


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