[LC++]Beginner's question

Laszlo Boszormenyi boszorme at mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu
Sat Apr 27 19:19:05 UTC 2002


 I am trying to compile STLPort 4.5 on AIX with the Linux Toolbox Tools.
Thus I have gcc 3.0.1, make 3.79.x etc. But when I try to compile it, I
get the following message:
g++ -fexceptions -D_REENTRANT -I../stlport -Wall -W -Wno-sign-compare
-Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -ftemplate-depth-32 -O2 -fPIC fstream.cpp
-c -o ../lib/obj/GCC/ReleaseD/fstream.o -lpthread
cc1plus: warning: -fPIC ignored for AIX (all code is position independent)
../stlport/stl/_threads.c: In instantiation of `_STL::_STLP_mutex_base
../stlport/stl/_threads.h:467:   instantiated from here
../stlport/stl/_threads.c:52: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed
../stlport/stl/_alloc.c: In instantiation of `_STL::_STLP_mutex_base
_STL::_Node_Alloc_Lock<true, 0>::_S_lock':
../stlport/stl/_alloc.c:137:   instantiated from
`_STL::_Node_Alloc_Lock<__threads, __inst>::_Node_Alloc_Lock() [with bool
__threads = true, int __inst = 0]'
../stlport/stl/_alloc.c:182:   instantiated from `static void
_STL::__node_alloc<__threads, __inst>::_M_deallocate(void*, long unsigned
int) [with bool __threads = true, int __inst = 0]'
../stlport/stl/_alloc.h:253:   instantiated from `static void
_STL::__node_alloc<__threads, __inst>::deallocate(void*, long unsigned
int) [with bool __threads = true, int __inst = 0]'
../stlport/stl/_alloc.h:360:   instantiated from `void
_STL::allocator<_Tp>::deallocate(_Tp*, long unsigned int) const [with _Tp
= char]'
../stlport/stl/_string.h:124:   instantiated from `_STL::locale
_STL::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue(const _STL::locale&) [with _CharT
= char, _Traits = _STL::char_traits<char>]'
../stlport/stl/_ios.c:102:   instantiated from `void
_STL::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::init(_STL::basic_streambuf<_CharT,
_Traits>*) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = _STL::char_traits<char>]'
../stlport/stl/_fstream.h:515:   instantiated from
`_STL::basic_ifstream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_ifstream() [with _CharT =
char, _Traits = _STL::char_traits<char>]'
fstream.cpp:1116:   instantiated from here
../stlport/stl/_alloc.c:304: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed
g++: -lpthread: linker input file unused because linking not done

 How can I fix this? I am too young in C++ to understand what does it
mean. :-( Any help is appreciated,

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