[LC++]Static polymorphism and arrays of poly. objects

Jan Reimers reimers at infoserve.net
Wed Aug 29 14:00:26 UTC 2001

    Thanks for bringing up a lot of interesting topics on this list.  If
you want create an array of different objects in C++ than you have to
use a common base class and polymorphism.  I see no other way around,
since each templated base type is strictly a different type.
Unfortunately the STL containers are not very good for containing
pointers.  An class like:

template <class T*> Pvector : private vector<void*>
  // forward members with appropriate casts, and define iterators.

would be the most efficient way to do it.  So far I haven't seen such a
thing made publically available.


Mark Phillips wrote:

> Suppose I am using templates to implement static polymorphism.
> For example, suppose I have the following base type:
> template<typename functionLeafType>
> class functionBaseTy {
>  public:
>     functionLeafType& asLeaf() {
>       return static_cast<functionLeafType&>(*this);
>     }
>     int operator()(int i) {return asLeaf()(i);}
> };
> This is the Barton and Nackman Trick for doing static polymorphism.
> It allows us to statically define a whole lot of leaf "function"
> classes, and yet refer to them via a base class.
> Example leaf "function" classes might include:
> struct squareTy: public functionBaseTy<squareTy> {
>   int operator(int i) const {return i*i;}
> };
> struct twiceTy: public functionBaseTy<twiceTy> {
>   int operator(int i) const {return 2*i;}
> };
> struct thriceTy: public functionBaseTy<thriceTy> {
>   int operator(int i) const {return 3*i;}
> };
> Then you can write the following generic algorithm:
> template<typename functionLeafType>
> int apply(functionBaseTy<functionLeafType>& f, int i) {
>   return f(i);
> };
> and then write:
> squareTy square;
> apply(square, i);
> twiceTy twice;
> apply(twice, i);
> thriceTy thrice;
> apply(thrice, i);
> This algorithm "apply" is pretty basic, but obviously
> you could have all sorts of generic algorithms.
> But what happens if I want to have an __array__ of
> these leaf "function" objects?
> Ie suppose instead of wanting to write a generic algorithm
> taking one functionLeafType as a parameter, I want it
> to take an array of these leaf objects, where the size of
> this array, and the objects that are to go in it, are known
> at compile time?
> Well actually, in order for array addressing to work properly,
> we will need an array of "constant" pointers to these objects.
> For example, I might want an array with three elements in it,
> these being square, twice and thrice.  I know everything at
> compile time, so I should be able to have a generic algorithm
> which takes as an argument, an array of pointers to these
> objects, and then pass this array with its three elements, into
> this algorithm.  Everything should be able to be handled at
> compile time.
> The problem is, I can't yet see how it would be done.
> My thoughts are that it would be something along the
> following lines:
>   functionBaseTy* myArray[] = {squareTy(), twiceTy(), thriceTy()}
>   template<functionBaseTy* leafArrayType[]>
>   void myAlgorithm......
> but the first line doesn't work and I doubt that the template
> line works either.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Mark.
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