[LC++]STL Iterators and integers

Grzegorz Mazur mazur at chemia.uj.edu.pl
Mon Aug 6 17:55:12 UTC 2001

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Mark Phillips wrote:

> Jack Lloyd wrote:
> > >Doesn't it mean one addition _and_ one multiplication?  Ie,
> > >
> > >  address = base_address + i*sizeof(string)
> >
> > Yes, nominally. However, sizeof() is a compile time constant. So, basically,
> > don't worry about it. The compiler will just scale your i value appropriatley,
> > and there won't be any multiplications at run time.
> I don't understand how it will scale i.  Sure it knows sizeof(string) at
> compile time, but it doesn't know i until runtime, indeed, i varies at
> runtime --- so surely a multiplication must be performed at
> runtime???  I must be missing something.  The only thing I can think
> of is that if sizeof(string) is a power of 2, then the compiler could
> replace the multiply by a shift, which is a bit faster.

Yes, that's right. It (I mean multiplication or shift or whatever) must be
done at runtime. Having said this, I still claim that, at least in the
example we're discussing, the cost is negligible. 

> > Also, keep in mind that
> > I/O is pretty much _the_ most expensive thing you can do in C/C++ (the only
> > things that could even come close are RTTI (typeid, dynamic_cast, etc)
> What does RTTI stand for?

Run Time Type Information.

> > , and
> > memory allocation). Mostly because memory busses are so slow compared to CPUs.
> Memory accesses are probably a bit slow as well then???
> So presumably, for a for loop, going through and indexing an array, the storage
> or
> retrieval of elements in the array will also be slow --- compared with
> calculating
> the index anyway.  To what extent is this true?

Almost everything is slow compared with calculating index in this case.
But there're a lot of things which have to be taken into account when
doing such analysis. So you don't apply it to such cases as the example
you've given. 

> > 2 thoughts:
> >
> >   *) Read the sayings from a file? Of course if you're just using sayings as
> > an example maybe this isn't so applicable.
> Yes, it is just an example.  I do read stuff from a file.  However at times it is
> convenient to be able to hardwire something, and it would be nice to be
> able to hardwire a vector of stuff (and other things too) in a straightforward
> manner --- without having to do lots of "push_back"s.
> >   *) I think the only way to do that is pre-declare an array somewhere.
> > Actually, this could be nicer anyway. For example:
> >
> > sayings.cpp:
> >
> > string sayings[] = {
> >  "saying1",
> >  "saying2",
> >  "END OF SAYINGS" // this is dirty, but potentially better than hard coding
> >                   // the size.
> > };

The sentinel could be replaced with:

std::size_t no_saings = sizeof sayings / sizeof sayings[0];

This way you have all the necessary information to create a pair of
iterators giving you full power of STL.

> Yes this is okay for my example, but I am
> wanting something which will work more
> generally.  I tried a variant on your approach
> based on a class:

What kind of generality does the above example lack?

> class wiseSayingsTy: public vector<string> {
> public:
>   wiseSayingsTy(): vector<string>() {}
>   wiseSayingsTy(uint N, char const* initList[]): vector<string>() {
>     for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
>       push_back(initList[i]);
>   }
> };

I'm quite sure, that similar (at least functionally) constructor is
already defined for vectors. So there is no point in defining it once
again. And deriving from vector is not the best idea anyway.

> Then I hoped I could write:
>   wiseSayingsTy wiseSayings(4, {"eat more chocolate", "smell the roses",
>     "laugh a little", "keep it simple"});

Perhaps a book covering some C++ basics would help?

> But it wouldn't compile, complaining that:
>   tst_main.cpp:114: parse error before `{'
> It sounds like the array initializer only works in certain
> circumstances???

Yes, it is. 


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