[Taslug] migrating to gitlab

Peter Billam pjb at pjb.com.au
Sun Jun 10 13:59:09 AEST 2018

Greetings gitfolk, sorry to bother... So I migrated to gitlab,
and that took a few tries but seems to have gone OK
and everything's there :-) except if I try:
   git clone https://gitlab.com/peterbillam/miditools
it asks for Username and Password - but I want the world, not
just registered gitlab users, to be able to git clone my stuff.
So I went though all my projects setting Settings/Permissions
Project Visibility = Public but no change, then I tried
   cd ~/gitlab/miditools
   git config --add core.sharedRepository world
but then git commit says "nothing to commit":
   git status
   On branch master
   Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
   nothing to commit, working directory clean
   git add .git/config
isn't allowed.  I even tried reading the manual:
which didn't seem to contain anything helpful :-(
It's probably Very Easy if you know the answer: how can I make
git clone work for the world without Username and Password ?
Like I say, sorry to bother y'all ...

Peter Billam

http://www.pjb.com.au     pjb at pjb.com.au     (03) 6278 9410
"Il y a des temps où l'on ne doit dépenser le mépris qu'avec économie,
  à cause du grand nombre des neccessiteux."      Chateaubriand.

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