[PHPwestoz] Calendaring Program

Nicolas Connault nicou at sweetpeadesigns.com.au
Mon Jan 10 23:44:01 UTC 2005


I need some input from you all. I have recently been working really hard 
on a program in PHP which parses an .ics file (calendar file produced by 
Mozilla Sunbird and MS Outlook) , enters the data in a database, and 
creates an Excel spreadsheet in the desired year. At the moment it 
fulfils my limited needs, but I feel there is room for tremendous 
improvement and functionality.

This script runs procedurally at the moment, but I will soon refactorise 
it and make it OO. I was wondering if any of you in interested in 
writing modules for this program, in order to, say, create a web-based 
opensource calendaring system that is able to export to different 
formats (xml would be the best), and provide a sort of community-enabled 
calendar online. It's a project which has been already taken on by some 
people (Codewalkers have produced ItwCalendar), but very few implement 
the export features I would like to see.

Please post any feedback, I look forward to it.


PS: have a try at my ics-xls converter on 

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