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Re: [PHPwestoz] post early, post often

Nicolas Connault wrote:

What's the best way to find some remunerated PHP work, preferably from home? Am I just kidding myself if I hope that someone somewhere even needs this kind of stuff? Anyone has some experience in that area? Or are we all doomed to do open-source freebie stuff forever more?

I tend to get work through previous work - if you're keen for something smallish, then get into an open-source community like phpBB (yes, I sing it's praises again) and then offer customisations (for a fee). I started getting a lot of work through this sort of thing, and eventually moved up, as I got a reputation. Eventually you'll start getting jobs where people want whole systems designed. It takes a while, though, and you have to love the system you're working with.

I'm currently creating a content managment system for a large australian organisation, or rather an "e-learning system", and they pay is good. Once you know some people, you get recommendations, and it continues from there.

-- Sam
  +61 4 1544 1909