[PHPwestoz] getting the last inserted id in mysql

Evan Barter evan at wiredcity.com.au
Tue Feb 22 23:08:01 UTC 2005

Samuel Cochran wrote:

> Mike Fewings wrote:
>>> Unfortunately I don't know any function in MySQL that lets you 
>>> retrieve the auto-increment ID of a field you just created. You 
>>> normally have to do another select, which is not hard if you do 
>>> this: "SELECT ID FROM Artists ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1" This will 
>>> give you the last created ID, which normally would be the last 
>>> record you created.
>> This function can retreive the last insert id from the database
>>                select last_insert_id() as feild_id
>> and make this query immediately after the insert and it will return 
>> the last id that was inserted by auto increment.
> Alternatively, one can use the mysql_next_id() function of PHP. Have a 
> look: http://php.net/mysql-next-id
> -- Samuel Cochran

There's always mysql_insert_id() 
(http://au.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-insert-id.php). But now I'm 
just being redundant. :)


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